Know if the people utilizing your business are paying customers and not someone trying to take advantage of your wallet. The MIS platform gives you the option to use barcode readers and keypads at the front desk out of the box. As an optional add-on, you can use fingerprint check in and even access control where checking in can be done one time at the door.
Capture photos for digital storage. Eliminate fraudulent check ins by seeing the photo of the member checking in.
Filling up your schedule has never been easier. Our event scheduling function keeps track of the maximum capacity, as well as which members are enrolled or eligible for attendance!
Allow your members to view their membership options, sign up for classes, and buy products from you on their phone. Convenient for everyone.
Sign up new members on the go or from any screen with electronic waivers. Digital signature allows you to offer an unparalleled customer experience.
Spot your trends – daily, weekly and monthly. Capitalize on opportunities and correct problems early.
Your members can now add their families to their packages and keep track of them all in MIS. Organized, simple, streamlined.
Complete support from our team. We don’t think you’ll need it very often, considering how easy the MIS is to use, but if you ever get in a pickle, we’ll be more than happy to bail you out.