To add a new member do the following:
- Click the Members – New Member Menu
- Fill out the member dialog form.
- Barcode Id: Enter the barcode you want to assign to the member. Usually key tags will be used. So just put the id of the key tag here. If you want to purchase keytags from us, please contact us. (Optional)
- First Name: Enter first name of member. (Required)
- Middle Name: Enter middle name of member. (Optional)
- Last Name: Enter last name of member. (Required)
- Street: Enter street address of member. (Optional)
- State: Enter state of member. (Optional)
- Zip Code: Enter zip code of member. (Optional)
- Phone #: Enter phone number of member. (Optional)
- Email Address: Enter email address of member. If you want to send emails to the member through the system, make sure you enter it here. (Optional)
- Gender: Enter gender of member. (Optional)
- Birth Date: Enter birth date of member. (Optional)
- Start Date: Enter start date of member. (Required)
- Tag: Select a tag from the drop down list. (The system loads all tags you setup under Settings-Tags) (Optional)
- Click the Save button.
To edit an existing member do the following:
- Go To a member’s account/profile
- From the member’s profile, click the Pencil button and then enter any changes
- Click the Save button.
To delete an existing member do the following:
- Go To a member’s account/profile
- From the member’s profile, click the Pencil button and then click the Delete button.
- Confirm that you want to delete.