Barcode Check In Software
Our check in system will allow your members to check into your business with ease and reliability. When one of your members checks in, the system will pull up their account and alert you if the member can use your facility or not. The system will pull up their photo and alert you if their membership plan has expired, if they owe you money and any customized alerts that you may have setup on their account.
Peace Of Mind
Barcode technology is a proven scanning method that has been used in the membership based industry for many years. Adding this to your business will give you the confidence that members accessing your facility has paid up and are in good standing.
Increase Efficiency
The days of shuffling through index cards and using spreadsheets to manage your members is the thing of the past. All your member’s have to do is place their barcode next to the barcode beam the system will instantly alert you the status of the customer. Software does not get any easier than that.